these two are the imagesgo behind the building and press e on the vent after your gonna jump to see a path follow it after your gonna get to a room with a school of fish sorounding the shovle leave that room and go back into that path room after find the bear and press e on him he will make a sound then show a triangle on the ground in the building
I really want to play thi- oh... i dont have a n64 controller and a pc... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC- this image its from rotary park- joe hawley, i just put here without a context
If you have a key in your inventory, then if you enter “k” in the room with the computer and return to the place where the key was, you can pick up the winding key, which can be used in the toy production room. Get a lying raven and you will get this dialogue.
Has anyone figured out how to get the NSO N64 controller working? I've tried DS4 (doesn't read the controller), Betterjoy (either doesn't see it at all or has constant inputs), using it straight (constantly getting inputs from many different buttons/directions), and running it through Steam (steam can't seem to keep a hook on Chrome so it just doesn't work). I know if I could download the game I could just run it as a non steam game like I do with Bizhawk for OoT rando, but since there's no download that doesn't work.
This game is great! I love the ARG behind it and the community is very interesting, I would like to note that when I got to a scary part, an amber alert started and I screamed :p
Go into the room under the flower bed to the right of the office. Press the 'k' key on the keyboard, then leave. Go to the top of the roof again and you'll find a windup key. Go back in the computer and type on the numpad "2, 3, 3."
Hola, lo que tienes en el inventario no es una llave, es para darle cuerda a un juguete.
En donde esta la computadora grande hay un pasillo con un pad de números, tienes que ingresar la contraseña secreta y entraras a un nivel especial, en lo mas alto de el encontraras un juguete de cuervo especial, el cual solo puedes interactuar con esa "LLAVE", cuando lo hagas te dará un código secreto
Hola, mira la realidad es que no importa cuanto juegues este juego, nunca encontraras el código, por que no esta dentro del juego.
No se si sabias que este juego tubo un poco de mercancía oficial, un peluche de CROW junto a un mini cartucho de el juego, resulta que se vendieron 332 de estos peluches.
Supleten you know how at the end of the game credits scene where it says thanks for playing. Well I think this video is the end credit scene (This comes from Ultra 64 Forever one of the crow 64 fake youtube channels made by adam butcher)
By the way, how did you get there i was able to get to the areas with the scarecrow but i feel like that theres more to discover so can you tell me how u got there?
Edit:Once again nevermind, its an image taken from hyper thermal so idk if u know how to get there and Hey! when i booted up my game the night variation appeared!
Oh hey, thanks for responding and it seems like thats seemingly an good reason,
Maybe, thats how i can see the same thing as the image, thanks for the help.
Edit: I recently discovered that if you go on the work building and exit back it will make the night variation disappear By the way, i did that before u responded so sorry. And by the way, i will update this when i get the night variation again.
Also, I started my game at 9:13 at night and the night variation didnt appear???
Like im so confused what just happened i started at the correct time
Alright Supleten, i was having difficulty of getting the night variation due to my miscalcuation of time but heres the silimar thing that we get from hyper thermal entering the house.
I can see a pretty gnarly idea festering underneath the skin of this ARG, but there are a few problems. the CRT filter is one of them, I get why someone would add it, but it just gets in the way... and sadly, not all of the textures are original... which isn't great, but again I can see why
I've seen that many people are trying to get the ending of Crow 64, and I personally can't record the ending, but I found a video that shows that ending
I think I bugged the game when I fell off toy world and pressed the pause button (when I could press it) I got stuck in mid air is this supposed to happen
You have to look for the secret level under the world of toys, once there you have to solve a small puzzle and when you finish the secret level you will be teleported to that computer
← Return to game
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2nd floor, the blue screen computer has this screen when we pause.
it might be her bedroom? idk... i'm just presuming :/
these two are the imagesgo behind the building and press e on the vent after your gonna jump to see a path follow it after your gonna get to a room with a school of fish sorounding the shovle leave that room and go back into that path room after find the bear and press e on him he will make a sound then show a triangle on the ground in the building
also on the second floor jump agents the ceiling and look ant the portal next to it in the void yo will see something
is there a dowload link to this game??
Is this game canceled or something?
It’s an ARG!!
why the fuck is it nightime.
why the fuck is there lamp posts.
well i fixed it.
so yay
You could have discovered more secrets like in the computer room you can press the "H" key and the house will appear
this seems cute and innocent so far.
dont know what yall are on about
where the fuck did the building go.
i payed the game and holy shit its bigger then what i thought it would be.
aslo i find out that the computer room shows your coordinates or something like that.
i shall find some cords that would fit that
so scary
I really want to play thi- oh... i dont have a n64 controller and a pc... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC- this image its from rotary park- joe hawley, i just put here without a context
If you have a key in your inventory, then if you enter “k” in the room with the computer and return to the place where the key was, you can pick up the winding key, which can be used in the toy production room. Get a lying raven and you will get this dialogue.
in the end your little crows
Has anyone figured out how to get the NSO N64 controller working? I've tried DS4 (doesn't read the controller), Betterjoy (either doesn't see it at all or has constant inputs), using it straight (constantly getting inputs from many different buttons/directions), and running it through Steam (steam can't seem to keep a hook on Chrome so it just doesn't work). I know if I could download the game I could just run it as a non steam game like I do with Bizhawk for OoT rando, but since there's no download that doesn't work.
I don't know, but the xbox controls seem to work if you're interested
Hello everyone, does anyone remember this?
Well, I was wrong, you have to enter the message in Crow language, not in translated form.
h swa al wtzik
h nlgex tlc iownr klg shcr cro newsa klg zwjo qo
ojoik kowi klg xilstox
so iwt wtx iwt
vgc nlgex tlc oanwuo
crwc aheotc rlgao
ht cro otx klgi ehcceo nilsa
soio ltek qwxo wa uewk crhtza
cl nwee klg vwny ltno qlio
vgc tls klg rwjo xhox cshno
elac ht cro tlhao
bilq cro xoucra
h eowit klgi ewtzgwzo
cl swiq cro roee klg vghex
al h vghex qk lst
I think that should trigger the "THANK YOU FOR PLAYING" cinematic.
This game is great! I love the ARG behind it and the community is very interesting, I would like to note that when I got to a scary part, an amber alert started and I screamed :p
Does anyone know where to use the key from the roof of the building?
Go into the room under the flower bed to the right of the office. Press the 'k' key on the keyboard, then leave. Go to the top of the roof again and you'll find a windup key. Go back in the computer and type on the numpad "2, 3, 3."
alguien sabe para que sirve esa llave? / Does anyone know what that key is for?
Hola, lo que tienes en el inventario no es una llave, es para darle cuerda a un juguete.
En donde esta la computadora grande hay un pasillo con un pad de números, tienes que ingresar la contraseña secreta y entraras a un nivel especial, en lo mas alto de el encontraras un juguete de cuervo especial, el cual solo puedes interactuar con esa "LLAVE", cuando lo hagas te dará un código secreto
donde se encuentra el codigo del pad de numeros?
No se si sabias que este juego tubo un poco de mercancía oficial, un peluche de CROW junto a un mini cartucho de el juego, resulta que se vendieron 332 de estos peluches.
Y 332 es el código que necesitas para avanzar
When I was playing crow, I came across this thing
I also came across a missing building during the next restart of the game. I'll attach a photo below :)
released after 26 years finally i will
playit i willreleasehim from thegameSupleten you know how at the end of the game credits scene where it says thanks for playing. Well I think this video is the end credit scene (This comes from Ultra 64 Forever one of the crow 64 fake youtube channels made by adam butcher)
It's a very good theory, and I quite like it.
Hello, remember this image? I think the hidden word in these lines is "CANCER"
By the way, how did you get there i was able to get to the areas with the scarecrow but i feel like that theres more to discover so can you tell me how u got there?
Edit:Once again nevermind, its an image taken from hyper thermal so idk if u know how to get there and Hey! when i booted up my game the night variation appeared!
Hello, I think the night variant can only appear so you start the game at 9:13 at night.
After that go down to the computer room and press the H key.
That should be all to make the house appear if I'm not mistaken.
Oh hey, thanks for responding and it seems like thats seemingly an good reason,
Maybe, thats how i can see the same thing as the image, thanks for the help.
Edit: I recently discovered that if you go on the work building and exit back it will make the night variation disappear By the way, i did that before u responded so sorry. And by the way, i will update this when i get the night variation again.
Also, I started my game at 9:13 at night and the night variation didnt appear???
Like im so confused what just happened i started at the correct time
Alright Supleten, i was having difficulty of getting the night variation due to my miscalcuation of time but heres the silimar thing that we get from hyper thermal entering the house.
the House
You managed to reach the yellow house
i just got the night variant but it wasnt 9:13 for me
I was naive to think i found a secret lever.. and didn't expect something to show up lol
this guy really scared me
Could anyone get past the water part of the shovel?
Yes, press F on the computer room to make the fishes disappear and after that go back to where the shovel is its usable on the grave
PS: The computer room is located on the flowers patch near the work building.
matpat made a theory of this
is there a jim crow refrence?
I can see a pretty gnarly idea festering underneath the skin of this ARG, but there are a few problems. the CRT filter is one of them, I get why someone would add it, but it just gets in the way... and sadly, not all of the textures are original... which isn't great, but again I can see why
Some audio sliders would be nice good god this game is loud
I've seen that many people are trying to get the ending of Crow 64, and I personally can't record the ending, but I found a video that shows that ending
there's no ending to the game the game was never finished
go to this vid
How do you access the Lava and Ice level?
I don't think you can.
I think I bugged the game when I fell off toy world and pressed the pause button (when I could press it) I got stuck in mid air is this supposed to happen
how do i play this
Click the "Run Game" option. Not trying to be rude, but how do you not know this?
no i mean get out of the weird hub world
i just get stuck in the first map with absolutely nothing did it bug out for me, or do u know something i don't?
Im trying any level to get out of bounds as possible using the pause to reset my Y velocity so i can climb the walls
Still though it looks like that its not gonna work to get out of bounds that easily
Edit 1: I got out of bounds of the toy world secret level its an pure void now
Edit 2: Guys, i when i fell down it let me land and now theres no wall stopping me.
I think its the hospital bed leg that you are talking about.
You have to look for the secret level under the world of toys, once there you have to solve a small puzzle and when you finish the secret level you will be teleported to that computer
I think you need some help this is not Mario 64 sorry bud
I just wanna ask:
Is this actually another part in the ARG (I'm aware the creator said it's finished) or is it just an actual game from what they already made for it?
It's a sort of epilogue mixed with a game.
the game's status says that it's canceled, and I can't even open it from the launcher.