©️ OPUS LEGACY 1998-2024

Additional Credits
Adam Butcher
Grant Marrs, Alisdair Cairns, Majora, Anthony Diggle, Alec Milne, Coffee Valen Bat, Yellow Daisy

Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(116 total ratings)
Made withUnity
Tags3D, 3D Platformer, catastrophecrow, crow64, n64, Singleplayer


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this game has support for a N64 controller?

I jumped off the map in the test area(go to basement computer room and hit "D" then leave, reenter and jump into the computer screen) and it yielded a void, no killbox or anything. There was a button that could be pressed at the highest point of the level, but not sure what it does yet.

I have complete the game, and the unique zone that is a lever in a black void is on the 2nd floor. Are the image is in the 2nd floor? The test area don't have a killbox in the bottom, so you can go down hours, i dont remember if there's a floor in there.


Ruh-roh, Raggy

MANO, eu tava jogando na primeira fase, ai eu acabei descobrindo uma area que n tem cercardo que vc consegue se segurar, aí vc gira e chega em uma área secreta, onde tem um chão rosa e é tudo escuro, andado um pouco pra esquerda (n me lembro muito) vc vai encontrar o mesmo jogo de xadrez da primeira fase só que parado, e um bixo alto preto parecendo um lobisomem, esse lugar n toca música, e só toca uma música muito estranha quando vc encontra ele, e ele vai correndo atrás de vc, Meu Amigo, eu tomei um susto, ele nem deu jumpscare, eu só apertei o botão do computador O MAIS RÁPIDO QUE EU PUDI, mano, eu só desligue o computador pelo botão e vim aqui contar, tô tremendo de medo kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

my face is gone



Hey, i have descovered something strange, the room that has to be a pit are with nothing in there, that's normal?

MatPat was here

(3 edits)

Love this game! Just one thing though, when I reload the game, the initial message "He's not been home for days," turns into "He's not been home for" and also my face isn't there in the game. Occasionally, the laptop doesn't appear to go to Toy World. I don't know if this is part of the game or a glitch but besides that, it's great!

EDIT: I also found some coordinates -13.87417, 9.135251, -57.22359 or -43.87417, 9.135251, -57.22359 because it is hard to read. I found them by jumping then pausing the game. I will edit more if I find some more interesting things.

EDIT2: I have found way more coordinates but also noticed this Crow's eye changes to green, like brother crow's. This might be saying that the game is progressively becoming Nils' not Thea's. Every time I reload the game, something different happens. This time it was the WORK building disappearing. 

I still need to dive way deeper into this... I didn't see solutions for a lot of things, so I'm trying to do as much of it on my own.


me too

I wonder, why is this only in browser?


Probably to prevent people from dumping the files and poking around. 

but the guy already dumped the entire source code on the interwebs

Oh, you mean years ago? This is a totally different game now.


YOOOOO my most favorite creepypasta since 2021

How sad that the game died in such a short time, we have to revive it, how high can you go with the high jump glitch?
(1 edit) (+1)

Pretty much high, to be honest i tried it and it launched me high in those slopes, i wasnt expecting it to happen i think it is caused by jumping twice then in a vertically slope

Also i forgot to mention this but this only works when your character isnt falling down and going up.

how do I download it? i don't wanna play on browser,,,

This version cannot be downloaded, sorry.
(2 edits)

three questions: what type of writings have the tombs in the forest well and under it (the colored ones). Above the lever on the second floor is a chess board with the king moving on specific squares, does it have to do with the teddy bears room? (if the boxes mark another code in the same room). What's on the third floor? (which is entered by the staircase in the mirror room on the second floor) I only need exactly 3 codes to finish the initial board (and with that the credits), if anyone knows, could tell me please

In one of the HiperThermal videos he has the theory that the initials of the models that appear in the tube is the code for the third floor, then he discards it, but maybe it has something to do with it.

So happy that youre interested in the game still and id be glad to help ya!

For the writings on the grave, they are dates. Each grave represents someone in the manfred family, to solve the writings we count the Y-axis of the dots and move to the right on the X-axis to get the next number. For example, if the dot is 2 dots up our first number will be 2, then we move to the next dot and so on!

The chess board on top of the lever is used to solve the maze, the king piece on the chest moves on a specific pattern that follows the "salt circles" in the maze. If we move on the path that the king piece moves, and we count the sides of the circles (which are actually n-gons), we will get a series of numbers. The numbers are a1z26 which means that each number represents the position of the letter in the alphabet.

The third floor is known as the attic, it reveals two things. One is the lore implications of both adam and ulrich, and the second is a cipher in that room. We know that each even in the game is tied to a letter on the keyboard, and by looking at the vat of randomly changing objects and slowing it down we can tie each object in the vat to an event (which in turn ties to a key).

All of this is in the Crow 64 Game doc so if you want any help or want to revise on anything then that doc is a HUGE source of help!

thank you so much!


can I also play on a laptop?

how do I download it to my n64

i think it's not possible


locking ARG content behind a paywall ain't it chief.


How is it locked behind a paywall..?

If you mean the makeship campaign code then
1) The campaign was made way before the reveal of a crow64 game existing
2) The game and its contents are free and accessible to ya
3) People supported the campaign because they wanted to support adam, and to also get their little crow plushies

The code was just a reference to the makeship campaign as in that area you can find a cipher which reveals the sentence "WERE ONLY MADE AS PLAYTHINGS" (it has even deeper lore implications but itd be too much for an itch.io reply lol). also the majority of the puzzles found in the game are references to older parts of the ARG.

I recommend you reading the 2023 recap doc as more puzzles and content of Crow 64 was released before the game! (just thought id point that out)

Sorry for nerdin out there, but had to clarify as it seemed a little unfair ^^


People had to buy a plush in order to complete an ARG, that's not cool.


no they didnt????? What are you on about?

(2 edits) (+1)(-8)

was told it was a major part of the ARG, but of course it's being censored now and I legitimately can't find anything on it. God I'm sick of this bullshit. All I know is I'm right and you're an asshole.

Love how people are turning this into a huge conspiracy. The ARG creators did something bad that they could easily just take responsibility for, but they're just blatantly lying about a piece of the ARG not being locked behind the makeship campaign. Definitely not gonna support anything they do in the future.


man fuck you for spreading misinformation and then blocking people for correcting you. 


leave him be honestly, his bias is gettin to him.

but ill leave it here for anyone reading this in the future, im one of the document writers and im not saying this to boast but more or so to give credibility to what im saying. The makeship campaign existed way before we knew the game existed, people literally bought the plushies because they simply wanted to. In no way was any part of the arg "locked" behind a paywall, and it doesnt take a genius to figure out that if the campaign didnt work another puzzle element would be added in its place. yeah you could argue its shitty to do that in the first place but lets not spread misinformation about adams intentions of "wanting to extort money out of us" because THAT is pretty shitty to do.


I was kind of forced to since I couldn't reply to them anymore.


if you try to refresh to then, the game will rotate 180 de

my dream at 3 am

sometimes WORK dissapears and crows faces too

i think its an easter egg, but idk

Its not an easter egg, that occurs at the computer room when you press x and o it will make the building disappear and the crow face too to revert this you just press r on the computer room.

Is it normal for everything to be reversed?

Could you elaborate? Are you talking about the secret keyboard under the bush glitch? Or is it something else?

The place where you start the game

The Knights Are Too Scary For Me

Good Game Still


welp, internet too slow to play the game, gonna get a one star from me dog


user error


That's a YOU problem.
Not the game's problem.


what on Earth are you playing on? the game runs smoothly for me, and i'm using a nearly 6-year-old Chromebook.

A windows 11 laptop that can't run modern games.

That doesn't happen to me, but when I load it on an old computer it does get slow (very slow) but it's not a game problem, it's a device problem.

i booted up the and all the pc's were gone and the one on the second floor became a painting do you guys know anything about this?

Why does it say Exit World instead of Return to Title Screen?

If you are in an area other than the hub, exit world will appear, it is used to exit quickly and takes you to the previous area (the return to title screen is used for a secret)

I realized. My bad

(1 edit)

is a random effect that happens every time you open the game or, rarely, when you enter or exit an area. It can be controlled and modified in the large computer room by pressing its keys (there is a table that YoshiBush created)

(2 edits)

I found this code in Base64 when I accidentally downloaded the game image: 0Nnq5m. I tried to decode it but I didn't get anything

How can download?

(1 edit)

1. How do you make the block disappear so you can get inside?

2. How the hell do you get to the roof?

3. How do you make the tables "sink"?

Press the action button when you are in front of the block

You have to climb the building by jumping

stay standing at the tables for a few minutes

3. You stand on them

can't seem to use wasd 

what is this

guys has anyone ever tried entering the really big computer in the red room?

red room

it suddenly turned night time for me and the entire game(including the start screen) was flipped??? i just opened it too idk what i could have done to cause that. i also found 4 butterflies that follow the crow after it gets close to it

i tried playing again and its normal now, i pressed esc during the loading screen thing and i think i glitched the game, so dont do that i guess

(1 edit)

i decided to try spamming esc after the "maybe he'll talk to you" text and this happened, theres whispering noises in the background. i havent done anything yet. it might just be a randomly selected thing? its definetly diffrent from the first time i got the night thing, the lighting was the same as daytime and there were no lamposts

i tried again, its definetly not caused by the esc button, aw shucks :-(

the night hub happens when you are playing between 9:12 p.m. and 9:14 p.m. (at first I didn't believe that but apparently it's true)

Wish there was a download so I didn't have to play with keyboard

cu-caw cu-caw!


Is there a discord server which we can post are findings on???

If not maybe one should get made.

I'm pretty sure it exits but I don't know where it is.

(1 edit)
I got these creatures in the office, Is this randomised or did i accidentally impute a code in the keyboard or number pad??? (I could scroll down but it would be far far down) 

You pressed the m key on the computer room or you have pressed m, m is for the monsters come out in the window

Thank you


2nd floor, the blue screen computer has this screen when we pause.
it might be her bedroom? idk... i'm just presuming :/

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