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what da shit

I did not think that would happen
I found this, has anyone else seen this?

Stand where that big crow is and return to title. After that, start the game.

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Hey, I followed your advice and things happened.

The title screen is terribly broken

Only the background appears, there is no longer even a floor or the title CATASTROPHE CROW.

Then black screen and very forced breathing sounds, as if it were difficult to breathe

Then the game started, it was broken, very broken, I couldn't jump and the crow was very slow, then it fell, and the game restarted to its original state

Does anyone know if there is more after this?, or is this the end of this secret?

So, carefully feel your way around the map and try to get to the "WORK" building. Emphasis on "carefully" because any wrong step may lead you under the map, and you can't respawn from falling here. Maybe you could restart the whole process, but that would take some time.

Again, thanks for your advice, I found the way to the building, when the game broke completely, there were certain textures that despite being broken, seemed solid, so I followed that path and entered the building,

Inside the building everything changed, including the main character, everything began to look as if it were a hospital and after exploring a little I ended up finding two more crows, I was not able to interact with them.

and found the message

"i was so angry"

Have you found anything else after exploring the inside of the building

I explored the building, but apparently there wasn't much else.

I don't know if it's related to the above, but for some reason after I restarted the game to try to repeat the hospital thing. the computer is gone

Do you know how to trigger the larger crow appearing?

First, boot up the game like normal and stand on one of the "holes" underneath the arch. If you hear the Main Menu theme, go back to the title screen.

Oh. Never mind

weird easter egg

Secret level on the tittle screen

Secret room under the stairs.

oh ok


How you get there?

I would be happy to make a video to show you

you slide down somewhere on the wall

I'll try it, thanks for answering

here you go

for once the audio doesn't sound like shit

Cool, thank you very much. I never thought of doing it there.

Deleted 301 days ago
(1 edit)

The computers in the numpad room display a different password each time you pause. Inputting these into the keyboard seems to have various effects.
Exiting the level from the pause menu while different passwords are displayed also seems to have various effects.
Its difficult to distinguish whats caused by inputting them, and whats caused by exiting, but it seems to open up the game for exploration A LOT:

(3 edits) (+1)

Also waiting on the title screen for a bit seems to cause these things to appear from every window in the game. Both inside and outside.
UPDATE: This effect seems to be permanent and remains even after reloading the page/restarting the game.

UPDATE 2: This seems to be cause by pressing M on the keyboard in the computer room.

hey your real good at finding things on this game you think I can help 

Hello!! Turns out.. I was way off the mark!! The effects are caused separately by each keyboard key, YoshiBush replied to one of my other comments on here with a list of what all the buttons do.

(4 edits)

Lately I've been reading the comments and playing this, since I love the vibe that goes into this. So, I registered to give my next contribution: Do you know the part where at the first scenario the music from the title screen of the game plays repeatedly? The one under the jump and surrounded by the fence? Well, here's the easter egg with that part. Stop in the area where the music plays, open the "PAUSE MENU", then press "RETURN TO TITLE" and at that moment the magic will begin. If you have done it correctly, the game should start again, but with the peculiarity that the Nintendo 64 logo and "CROW" do not appear. There is more, but I'll leave it for you to see, it's not a big deal but it is something.

Wait you get any music at all when playing?

yeah, you don't?

Deleted 301 days ago

Oh I got it, I had my game too quiet to hear it

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its just a gif

update he was right that one spot plays the intro music

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Since the page only allows content of 3mb (and I don't want to upload anything to YouTube) I uploaded the process in a gif.

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Edit: See the reply to this comment, it explains the actual reasons behind what was happening in my game

nputting codes into the computer seems to have various effects, I will document this here as I explore. You can get these codes from pausing the game and looking at the monitors in the numpad room. Exiting world when a different password is displayed also seems to have various effects.

Inputting SLQWZ - when you pause, your coordinates show up.

Exiting during SLQWZ - Seems to make the vase spawn in front of the entrance to the keyboard room, Also seems to have a random chance of putting you in a version of the world thats mirrored, has the skybox replaced with solid grey and the work building is missing. There seems to be no way to progress further other than to reset.

Inputting OKOAR - Seems to change the world to its regular mirrored counterpart, also causes a glitched cursor to appear on the pause screen


As far as I can tell each keyboard key has it's own effect.

  • For the coordinates I've found both "N" and "Y" make their own seperate coordinate line show up which helps with something in the forest.
  • "V" makes the vase appear outside the computer room. 
  • "Z" mirrors the world. 
  • "S" makes the skybox the way you describe. 
  • "O" makes the office building disappear. 
  • And "A" glitches the pause menu cursor. 

I wonder if I can add a picture of my notes... 

I think it works.

That's awesome, thank you for the findings, im surprised by how simple it was

Could I ask where are the "steel bar jail doors" youre reffering to located?

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In the forest level there is a well that you can jump down. I don't remember what turns to take but theres a room with four tombstones that is normally blocked by a metal bar gate, but if you press "J" the gate disappears. It also gets rid of the gate to the beating heart thing and the swinging blades.

Edit: I didn't know exactly what to call it, seeing as some of the keys effects start with the letter of the key (like "F" for fish, "G" for gravity etc.) so I went with jail door cause it kinda looks like prison bars.

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I probably could have made things a bit clearer before sending the picture. With "K" the first time I got the key on top of the office building it was a wind-up key, every other time though its been a normal key for doors. So maybe pressing "K" works both ways? Could have done more testing with that.

Oh also, pressing the "Return to Title" option in the pause menu doesn't seem to reset any keys you pressed. But "crashing" the game with "Q" reboots the game with a random set of pressed keys.

Thank you, I knew about these but assumed you were talking about something else since theres a conventional path to go through in the well using the levers inside

Men, I had also noticed this and was trying to figure out each effect of each button. But you've saved me a lot of time. Good job!


I'm exploring the game and found some secrets that I want to share. I still don't quite understand it, but I managed to get several keys and access areas where I don't see any changes. Whatever I get, I'll share it on the channel.

How to make the link pinned to the video.

Secret Code / Secret Room 

Never before have I gotten startled by a chess piece.


I feel like it knows if your taking screen shots and what your doing

that got a little bit dark

I figured it out and why you keep getting random stuff every time you play again it changes weird because I pause the game in the computer room and get random codes


matpat :'3


Cool game, though one criticism - the scan line effect is wrong. Scan lines on CRTs are horizontal, not vertical, so the effect is a bit off. Also, if we could get the option to turn the scan lines off entirely, that would be nice as well. Anyways, apart from that, good game! Fun platforming and secrets abound.


N64 ROM or Windows EXE?

There were a few times where i broke broke the game by accidentally hopping out of bounds before the triggered events and i got stuck in a spot where it won't let me move anymore ;~; I got the portion of the way through a puzzle and it ruined the run making me re do all of it, just to get a small text bubble at the end of the secret. (at least i think it was the end?) that read "...." and then sent me back to the first area with everything glitched (im sure on purpose, but I didn't know where to go from there or if i was done with that particular secret) but i thought it would end with me finding what lies beyond the games boundaries, but maybe i did something out of sequence? I scrapped the run after that cuz i was truly stumped on weather or not i did things right or if i still had some more steps to do to get the FULL out of bounds experience. to avoid spoilers but to also give a hint to those who know what im talking about, I got the game inverted, then went to the fist area outside of the work building, and jumped over the middle peaks that meet, and a scarecrow man jumped down on the other side, then the game wants you to find the scarecrow and the jump off the hill side out of bounds, the scarecrow man stands in front of a tunnel and i follow him in. i was then transported to a new location, desert looking type of level, where you have to follow the scarecrow through what seems to be an invisible maze, i finish out that part after interacting with an entity in an arm chair *shown in image* it then boots you back to the main hub outside of work, but everything is extra glitchy and some textures are replaced with sand. for those who know, is there anymore to this specific secret or was that the end of said sequence?

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Hmm... Be safe? Or.. explore further? Sehr sehr tempting...

"Hmm... Be safe? Or... explore further? Very very tempting..."

If you want to get here, go under the first level, with all the blocks and chess pieces! You can follow a certain trail  to unlock the computer! Though it doesn't seem to work... I won't spoil what... or possibly who's hidden ;)


Please make a downloadable version

(2 edits)

I found a message in the computer room that translates to "were only made as thin 2 splay", Does anyone have more phrases

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i get more two, "in the end your little crows" and "to call you back once more"

To call you back once more, in the end your little crows were only made as thin 2 splay.

NO WAY!!!!!

This looks like a great game! But does this work on real hardware?

some more stuff i found 

I got up there first try how did you keep falling


my game is inverted

skill issue imo

kinda looks like its saying crow

Yo estuve jugando un ratito y me metí a la sala de la computadora que se entra atrá vez de un jardín amarillo al principio de este entonces estando ahí me puse a teclear cosas al azar y no salía nada hasta que pause el juego en frente de la pantalla y me encontré esto no sé si se relevante pero de me hizo curioso 


hey, how can I disable the VCR effect?


That's the neat part.

You don't.




I have no idea. I just don't think you can disable it, unfortunately.

The amount of times I drowned myself on purpose...At least five times...

I found this, I think someone has found it before me but just in case

Have you found anything to do in that room, I haven't found anything.


please release the game as a .exe file (i want to play it on pc)

Aqui se ve reflejado el futuro de childroom

I'm a say this game is good

Hi! Is there any way that this game could be patched so that it can run in the Itch desktop app? Currently the white loading bar goes most of the way but then stops and never finishes.

there might be a problem with you're desktop because I'm a desktop user myself so I'm very confused in this situlation

Ah, it works in my browser, on desktop, but in the Itch app/program where you can download browser games for offline play, it doesn't work.


Found some unexpected stuff heres a video i posted

Hey! Cool footage! Sorry to bother you, but how did you get this? Did you input a cheat? Found it on accident? Was it luck? I genuinely want to know.

you have to press start when you click the game, sorry for bad english

Hello, yes this was an accident and i might make a follow-up video on how this happened

No need, I found the document. Thank you for replying, though.

(2 edits) (+2)

hola, no se si alguien mas ya le paso pero el caso es que inicie el juego y antes de entrar a cualquier lugar me puse a saltar en los puentes que hay arriba, luego de unos 3 saltos aproximadamente aparecio el "monstruo grande" parecido a un espantapajaros para saltar hacia mi.

hi, idk if anyone else got this but, when i started the game, before going to the work place i started jumping in the bridge like things made of dirt and like for the third time i jumped the "scarecrow" appeared n jumped towards me.

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iba a volver a saltar sobre los puentes y ahora vi esto detras de mi

edit: me acerque hacia eso y desaparecio 

yo me puse a saltar una y otra vez, y salió el espantapájaros pero en vez de quedarse quieto empezo a moverse al respawn del nivel 1 y si lo sigues traspasaras el piso y abrá un tunel con el ahí, siguelo y entraras a un mapa desertico.

intente lo mismo y termine en un cuarto con un pozo dentro del edificio

Subi al piso de arriba despues de volver a hacer lo del espantapajaros y encontre un pasillo con una palanca entre esos muebles

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