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Check this out

Wow, what? HOW? 

Oooooohhh, I see. That block is blank

Y eso no es todo

Nos estará representando a nosotros?

The bears do not sound randomly, it is a code, it is a new phrase, if a bear sounds you must write down the letter of the color block that is below it, repeat this process until the letters begin to repeat and you will obtain the phrase:

"Lost in the noise"

(I must clarify that I did not discover this, I found it on a YouTube channel "HyperThermal")

no lo sé

Aún así, gracias por traerlo a la página.

I have been trying to figure out this headstone code for the past 20 minutes and have yet to decipher it.  At first I thought is was braille but I couldn't translate anything from it, any ideas?

Sorry for late reply! These are dates of deaths (I’m not 100% sure which is which) but I’m pretty sure the one with three dates is Manfred’s (They say he died twice) The two that have only one date Are Nils and Marta, as they have not yet died, and the one with two dates is Thea. 

The huge bear doesnt have a collider

Please add a windows build


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Have you ever thrown coins into a well in your life hoping that your wish would come true? Crow does it.

Hey, Suplent. Could you translate what it says on the ground? Thanks in advance.

Sorry, I am completely unable to read the message in Crow language, could you send an image instead of a gif?

Edit: forget the above, I managed to do it, the message says:

  "To warm the hell you build"

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Cool, thanks. It makes sense because of the lava and the mess that is left. Now, would it be correct to say that this was not made by Manfred? I mean, we know the original version which was uploaded on Adam Butcher's channel and that "original" version is diferrent of this "legacy" version... Also, that aggressive message... It makes me question that it was made by someone else within the ARG.

In the "original" version Manfred represents himself with the crow dad we know: a crow with glasses and brown eyes. But in this "legacy" version, that Manfred only appears below in the tomb level programming a dark version forest level. But then in the hospital there is another Manfred with green eyes and without glasses crying for "CROW", his daughter. And to make matters worse, the deformed crow that chases us in the "CROW" room level and on the second floor after activating the lever, he cries just like the second crow when we are close, but distorted. Furthermore, that crow guides us to a place in this version, while in the "original" it is Manfred who guides the player through different scenarios.

My point is... Are there multiple Manfreds? Or are they different entities?

Look, I'm almost sure that these messages are for Manfred, because on the screen where the squares are and that some have just started playing, the top word says "FATHER."

So I think that in some way OPUS Legacy is managed by Manfred's son and that they are trying to communicate with him, although it is only a theory

But I like this one. I never thought about the possibility that his own son would hate him.

How can I get to the different areas everyone is talking about?

I can only find the giant bedroom with the blocks and some dungeon with axes 

As soon as you start the game, observe these two protuberances on the ground, start jumping from one to the other a lot of times until a kind of scarecrow appears, then follow it

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Is it randomized or you have to do it for an specific amount of times?

PS: I know its an lot of jumps but its the number i need to know

I don't know, I never counted the number of jumps, I just saw that in one of the CROW 64 videos something happened if you did several jumps from one end to the other and I started trying until something happened

this game looks awesome 

In the room with all the bears and computers, none of the bears are sitting on blocks with numbers to my knowledge. Could that make a message?

Upon further review this seems unlikely, but there might be a pattern to tell which blocks to read.

So I uh... ended up here? Idk how, but I did. I pressed U and C on the keyboard as well as D, left and jumped into the debug room, lowered the water. I jumped off and left before I fell to the bottom? I'll update if anything happens. If not, I won't update.

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Interesting, whenever I try to exit level in the debug room the game crashes.

Edit: Just tried it and the game crashed, there must something else you have to do.

I quit the level, and it did "crash" the emulator. I entered the building but somehow ended up in the vent? I may have jumped over the entrance to the building, which is somehow possible.

I managed to jump over the office entrance.

There's a little bit of space between the doors and the space that makes you enter the office, and it turns out you can jump through the ceiling there.

Theres nothing to explore inside the tower and yes, this thing was already discovered year ago

ayo why mine mirrored and without a building?

Hidden in the flower patch near the office building is a room that has a large keyboard. Each key has it's own effect that changes the game a little. "Z" mirrors the world, and "O" removes the office building.


So is this an actual N64 ROM being emulated in the browser?  Or is it a HTML game made with N64-style graphics?



Thanks for responding, I guess...... but that doesn't answer my question.


Catastrophe Crow was never an actual N64 game, this is an ARG game come to life, like Shipwrecked64 if you've heard of it. Highly recommend watching nightmind's video on Catastrophe crow or shipwrecked64, both are some insanely good ARGs with really good storylines. :)

Thanks for answering.  The bit about the genre doesn't make a difference regarding my original question, but I appreciate the suggestion.


what question  =D i thought I asked a question anyways, i can't play this game else i'm gonna go mentally insane more than i was when i had to take therapy.


This is a Unity game with N64-style graphics. A pretty good one, in my opinion, but it's not the real deal.

Thanks for answering.  Too bad the dev didn't make this clear.




Another note worthy something, in the basement code room, pausing the game near one of the monitors reveals letters. I recorded them, put them into crow language, and got this. Beware, I don't know if they change on start up or if there is a way to change them using the keyboard in the main room.

The Image won't show but I got We're Only Made As Playthings

On startup, the entire environment is backward including the intro animation. Does anyone know why or what this means?

That is one of about 25 effects that can happen when booting up the game. This can be fixed by going underneath the flower patch to the right of the building (normally) and jumping on the R key and leaving the room. 

Here is what every key does.

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Credit to YoshiBush for being the creator of the image with the effects list.

If you go to the computer room, hit "f", go to the vent on the back of the WORK building, go in, find the end room, grab the shovel, head to the forest level on the second floor and locate the "Crow" headstone and hit E while on, or next to the dirt pile, you can enter the grave which houses a maze. In the maze you see the mangled dead crow body float around from time to time and the only end I ever found in the maze houses the programmer crow who says nothing upon interaction, and a huge statue like creature thing in the room.

jogo muito fiel ao original ou ate mesmo o original, no começo foi dificil aprender como gira a camera com o teclado, mas no final eu consegui aprender.

Não é o original, muitas coisas foram mudadas, mas algumas coisas não foram mudadas (por exemplo, a sala dos computadores ainda está debaixo das flores ao lado do edifício).


It won't let me play sorry

comigo tambem e tive que criar outra conta


So... Do you remember what the bear shows us? the one in the duct behind the "WORK" building. An image of the office with the computer with access to the level of the toys, right? And then the tables with a black triangle appearing and disappearing... Well, it turns out that you can "sink the tables"

"Every year you drownd", I followed your advice and found this

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Thanks, for some reason the page made to translate the "crow language" did not translate the message for me, so I am grateful that you were able to do it. Now... Who drowns every year? The boat? Or Manfred?

Manfred supposedly drowned next to his computer, but hidden messages throughout Crow 64 suggest that Manfred is somehow still alive.

Maybe it has something to do with the eternal rebirth system that is mentioned from time to time, maybe he died drowning but the game keeps him here somehow, maybe that's why it says that "every year you drown" indicating that he is always drowning but not completely, what I wonder is, who left these messages, was it Manfred or someone else?

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So uh.... how did you get there

Edit: Once again, never mind



More Secrets In Video: 
Mirror Room Puzzle 

Shovel & Best Way To Solve The Tomb Maze 

Wow! Thanks!

hi so uh i just started playing today, and this is the thing that popped up on my screen the 2/3rd time i played. so you do know that in order to begin the game on the site, you click "run game". right? yes. so i clicked run game as any normal person would, and the imaged just popped up on my screen. i dont know what this means, and i believe it's changing my gameplay. i watched a few walkthroughs of this game, and it's all different. the first few times i played, the "work" building hadn't been there. i was so confused, and had to restart the website twice. if anyone knows what this means, please help.

That isn't what's changing the game, that is part of the ARG elements. It has already been solved I believe, however the large computer in the room underneath the flower patch controls those effects. Each of the letters you can press triggers a different thing once you leave the room. Stepping on O deletes the building, and R resets all effects. Q will restart the game and any progress made.

ohh ok thanks. i'll try to restart my game and try to get it to be normal.

No you dont have to restart. Just go under the flower patch that is to the right of the front of the building, and jump on the R key in the computer room.

ok thanks .

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Green, blue, red and pink. That is the order of the four colors that you must make the "Brother" touch one time in the room with the mirror to make the stairs to the third floor appear. For those who go up, let me save you time, no, the shovel is useless up there.

So Nombre, one, thanks for all the help with this. Two, I've been trying to get this to work, even writing down the exact tiles to make him step, but I haven't been able to get it right, might you know why this is?

Ok, If you already know exactly where you have to be for the brother to step on the corresponding colored tiles, you save me time. The problem why it won't allow you to activate the stairs will be because you are walking towards the tiles instead of jumping towards the tiles. One of the things that is "difficult" about this process is that the brother will activate the tile for each step he takes, therefore, if you walk towards the tile the mere act of stepping on it to enter it would already be activating it, now if you walk out the brother would be activating it again by go out of that tile, causing the process to be ruined. Recommendation? Step on the tile by jumping towards it and get off the tile by jumping, avoid walking on them, remember that we are looking for you to activate them once. Let me know if that was the problem or I'll see if I can upload the process to the page as a gif.

It seems that 5mg uploaded the process.

The shovel is for the grave in the forest level. It is NOT useless, it lets you access what is quite possibly the only appearence of a certain character in this game.

When I say that the shovel is useless, I mean up there. If you go up, you will see that just like Crow's grave, there is a lump of earth that makes you think you can dig it, but no, you can't. I'm sorry if there was a misunderstanding.

Oh. I'm sorry. I hadn't gone up there yet, so I didn't know there was a lump of dirt up there too.

Although it does not contribute much in the search for mysteries, it seems more like a piece of curiosity. If you fall outside the limits of the map and wait a while instead of restarting, the menu will start to distort and Crow's legs will start to go into his body. The faster you enter the menu consecutively, the more distorted it shows.

What button on the secret computer makes the shovel easy to get?

F and no, it's not the meme.

What in the hell have I stumbled onto and what do I do with the key I found atop the building

We still don't know that.


It's impressive you managed to get a game like this running so smoothly on a browser, so great job there! I also appreciated how "Mario 64" the gameplay was, right down to getting the bigger triple jump and wall slide mechanics. I made it through a few locations but overall I was a little confused about what I should have been doing or why the things that were happening were going on. Still it was nice to explore for a time, good job!

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foda adorei

I had my first experience with the game. I don't think I beat the game, but I managed to find some very curious secrets.

the bugs is more scary!

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By the way, I saw this on Youtube the other day and felt like I should share it here.

"332", I wonder if it was hinted somewhere.

Obra Maestra

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So... here again.  In this process to get to the place that I will tell you, we will use codes. Now, it's nothing secret, we actually have it right under our noses but it took time to know each effect of each code. Anyway, I'm going to stop beating around the bush. The giant computer room with the interactive keyboard allows you to activate an effect in the game. I won't go into that in depth, if you are curious about each effect, YoshiBush posted a photo with each effect in the comments below, look for it. In any case, to save ourselves the trouble of resetting the "emulator" to achieve the desired "anomaly", we simply go down to the computer room and press the J key. For the effect to be executed, leaving the room is enough. What anomaly occurs with the J key? At the water well level, all the bars will disappear. This is of utmost importance for us since we have to go beyond the limits of this level. Also, if you are curious, this effect allows you to see the tombs up close. Anyway, I had told you that we need this anomaly activated to get out of the limits, but first we need to get all the "blood" out to avoid drowning, so you simply do the corresponding process and once the blood is gone you will notice that the bars green to avoid our passage, now they are no longer present. The problem is that in some sectors there is the happy "invisible wall" that will bother us. But don't worry, your uncle is here to guide you. You should go to the room with the door to the heart room, being in that room instead of going through where the heart is, jump into the well where the blood was before and in one of those invincible walls you should be able to go through, when you do. Just head under the heart room and the traps and at some point you will fall into a giant and almost empty room... Except for this.

who here doesn't know about the 4th jump exploit that's hard to maneuver in the vent  of the back of the building and past the illusion path and a shovel surrounded by a school man fish. i have gotten close to the center but there was a death top of the plot. i wonder if anyone has gotten that before.

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To pass that part you must witness an "anomaly". The fish must disappear for you to get the shovel, the thing they are protecting. Don't worry, I already found a way to "force this anomaly", go to the computer room under the flowers and press "F", the come back and the fish are gone.

what computer room with flowers?

am I the firs to find this?

I'm sorry to be the one to break your hope, but the answer is no. If you check the comments you will see that several have arrived at the same place.

Just one more thing: I found a way to do the crow's secret again to get to the hospital.

Beyond the fact that there are more beings on hospital stretchers, the only interesting thing I found is that the main character is the same when we enter the building, but he will progressively change to that of a crow without a bandage and with green eyes.

Also, I don't know if it's just me, but I notice that the new crow's cry screams differently when doing the triple jump.

Yes, the sound is a little deeper when the character changes

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The building is gone


There are various effects that occur randomly, you can force or reset them by pressing various keys in the computer room, "O" makes the building disappear or reappear, "R" resets all effects to default

it doesn't crash its probably your computer

Has anyone found a way to exit the debug world without the "emulator" crashing? The big button seems to drain the water, would be interesting if it did so in the whole game

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