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Why is there no download I can't use my N64 controller with a browser please provide a download.

you can use ds4 or a similar software to rebind the keys

Oh thank goodness

You really shouldn't put an actual image of a N64 controller on there. You know how draconian Nintendo is these days.


These days?? They've always been that way lol

Let"s go!

im doing my part


Can we download it?

sadly no


can't be good for preservation!

(1 edit) (-1)

Can't we just download the site and run it that way? That's what I did.


Is good, but uh... would enjoy some more... ah, right-hand controls. Is awkward being right handed for these. Please add arrow key support?


arrow keys also work already though


It already has arrow key support, it's just not described in the controller layout.



Say, does it support a PS4 Dualshock? I only see the buttons from the Xbox layout, so I'm a bit unsure here.


I'm using mine just fine.

Ah, swell!

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)


...and on browser? Uh, odd move, but alright. It does prevent decompilations from prying schnozes, at least. I uh, I hope it's compatible with a PS4 controller actually... And goddammit, why is the text in this whole page so dark with a pitch black background, I can barely see what I'm writin-


y no actual download, I don't wanna have to play in browser



oh my glob.

omg this game is finally about to release, I've been waiting for over 2 decades for this moment! (not rly lol, still really excited for this though)

can i play on this?


check this yall


wait till they say, "sorry, we meant april 24th 2026"





Catastrophe Crow! Here we go!


Just one more sleep until Catastrophe Crow arrives!

Are you all excited?

i'm very excited

Hoping for the best



We're almost there!

(2 edits)

Can't wait to see what Adam has been cooking up for the past couple years!

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Pretty good to know the legacy can actually be coming. I'm pretty anxious but patient to see.


huh. It's coming?


we are next my bros


we've waited SO fucking long just for them to say "wait longer mf"

what in the actual hell man

(1 edit)

Yeah, I can see where you're coming from BUT WHO CARES, this is looking noice! Better than the previous image, that's fer sure, and we have a concrete date now!

(1 edit)

Man, this is taking a while...

it's been a fucking months...

WEGA LUIGI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!1

(2 edits) (+1)

Oh wow... oh wait, the image is AI generated. I swear, I didn't notice at first... mostly cus you don't expect these sorta projects to rely on mid practices like that.

Edit: BUH!!! The image is new! Only now I noticed it! It used to be this really simple image of the Crow with the hills and sky behind... but now it's beautiful! Holy heck, forget what I said, it was not about this here current image!


the voice in the new video is used with ai too lol

you'll notice if you listen close enough

There's a new video? And they also use an AI voice in there too? Ok, I mean... why? I'm not gonna be the one to say how easy or hard it is to find a VA or ask someone to do some art for a project, since I never did that... but the guys behind Catastrophe Crow must have some sort of resources, right? Unless it's some meta thing related to the plot, I really don't see the reason to use AI in promotional material. If anything, it's gonna hurt the project even more.


What's the name of the video exactly? And on what channel? Just wanna make sure I hear it too, and that I'm not thinking about the wrong video.

same video/channel this came from


(1 edit)

Yeah, I myself didn't think the voices were AI, but apparently more people are saying it, so I dunno. Also, my opinions on the image in this website being AI generated only to the older image they used. Marc55 down here actually posted it in one of his comments, he also agreed that at least the background was indeed AI.

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i dont see what you're seeing. can you explain how the banner image is ai generated? seems normal to me.

also can you explain how the voices in the video are AI.

Well, it's mostly the hills. I look at them, I see the trees/bushes on them.... and then I find so many weird seams and divisions, I'm not even sure what I'm looking at anymore. And then, because of that, other things start looking weird to me too, like the Crow's wing and bandages, and the clouds. 

(3 edits) (+1)

i don't know what to say other than this, I've been a fan of him for quite some time, even before catastrophe crow. I don't think he would be the type to use AI. He's more focused on quality over quantity. this is the same guy who spent 13 years over making a game. But then I could be really wrong and you would be right. I cant say much since I haven't seen this older image you mentioned. if you have it, can you reply with the older image.

edit: found the older image. everything else seems fine, except the background. the background of the image looks like AI. gonna have to agree with you. glad he changed it into something else.


Yeah, that's the thing, he really doesn't look like the kinda guy that would use AI, hence why I found it really freaking odd that it seemed like he did! Sorry for not replying to you quicker, I didn't have the image on me anyways, but regardless, I'm glad I wasn't crazy with my assumptions here, it really all came down to the background; and I'm even more glad that it was changed into a much better image with, well, actual art lol. Maybe it was just a temporary placeholder, which is understandable I s'ppose.

Deleted 170 days ago

Wait what was the image? im here after the release lol


Sooo... any news?


Is it taking short longer like few months trying to find a lot of interest their adventures places, some dangerous creatures, their bossfight challenge, solving puzzles and logical, many visit rooms, EGG Get! and many others to make one top special famous video game on special circus...?

Hope we are waiting for little longer for then now...

Coming play soon :)

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I think I was the one who came up with the phrase "EGG GET", I think I came up with it on my own when I made the catastrophe crow prototype footage YT channel in 2021. Man, I remember doing that, it was so fun to make. I could be wrong though, maybe I got it from somewhere else, but I'm pretty sure it came from me.


I'd be more excited for this if not for the fact it has an ai made image. It'd be nice to see artists give their shot to bring life into the world of Catastrophe Crow.


I was really excited until I noticed that, yeah. The blurriness is a dead giveaway.


I don't think that should effect your expectations for the game.


I'm willing to see what they have to offer, but the usage of AI images and voices for promotional material kinda skews it for me. As long as they're not deadset on using AI for the main content of the game and have passion for it, I can live with it.


I understand the skepticism, but gotta keep in mind the added costs of commissioning an artist for the cover image and paying voice actors. Just as long as the voices being used aren't legitimate VA's who are being ripped off by the generator

was it worth it.

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atleast it isn't super realistic


I was also really excited until I noticed that one tree in the background is a slightly different shade of green than the one next to it. That makes me so angry I'm smashing my computer right now.


I'm hyped!!!






Oh boy can this be real?


It's real.

It was also a part of another big Catastrophe Crow ARG.

Wonder if its a rom hack of a n64 game or actually coded with C.

Took longer than Duke Nukem Forever, but it will be SO worth the wait!

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